Branding Color Palette Guide
December 2, 2020 Branding & Marketing
Trying to pick color that best represents your brand can be tricky. We get it. Here’s how and why you should use our Color Palette Guide.
While our other great guides like How to Choose Brand Colors help designers and organizations to select the best color to represent you, we realize that taking that first step can feel overwhelming.
This guide isn’t just another whirl around the color wheel. Our design experts have used these tried-and-true palette options to create proven and award-winning work for our clients.
That’s why we know this tool will be a huge help for you.
Kokopelli Color Palette Guide
What is the Color Palette Guide?
Our multi-industry friendly Color Palette Guide is a selection of vetted color palettes chosen by our very own design experts. It’s a great starting point to find a good color palette to then build your brand around.
Our guide delivers a great variety of 60 ready-to-use palettes to fit your business, your brand, your style.
And because we know that not everyone is comfortable with technical terms like sufficient contrast or color deficits, we’ve taken care of those for you. So, whether you have an artistic bone in your body or not, you’ll find it easy to use.
What Your Brand Color Says About Your Business
We chose great color combinations that will help a variety of organizations—whether you’re just starting out or looking to refine your branding.
We believe branding is like an organization’s handshake, your first impression. So you’ll want to make sure it’s a good one.
It’s important to note that with branding, consistency is key. So much of branding involves picking a look or feel or attitude and sticking with it, and only making refinements over time. The last thing you want is for existing customers to say, “I’m not familiar with this company.” Because they no longer recognize your brand.
Feeling confident in choosing the right color will build a brand identity your customers will feel confident in, too.
Why Our Guide Will Be Your Tool of Choice
At Kokopelli, we let color guide us. And because we do this every day for our clients, we’ve discovered what works and what doesn’t.
Color helps inform the design process.
For example, at Kokopelli when we help organizations brand or re-brand, we always start with color before we design the logo. Why? Because color is that important. Color invokes certain attitudes. It also helps keep everyone focused.
By picking your color first, you can evaluate designs on the other elements. For example, when designing a logo—it’s much easier to evaluate mock-ups which use the same color palette because people aren’t selecting concepts simply because they like this or that color more.
Our guide will help to make your color choice decision as stress-free as possible thereby making other important choices involving your brand identity much easier.
How to Use It
Our guide is easy to understand, up to date, simple to use, and proven to work.
All you need to do is decide what you might like and execute it.
Simple, right?
“But wait,” you say. “How do I decide what color is right for me?” In order to answer that question, you also need to decide what color will appeal to your audience.
Our last blog, How to Choose Brand Colors is a great resource if you’re not sure what color palette best reflects what your company is trying to portray. Always keep in mind your brand pillars, marketing strategy, and brand personality whenever you decide to make a decision that reflects who you are and what you hope to communicate.
"Brand personality is a set of human characteristics attributed to a brand name. A brand personality is something to which the consumer can relate; an effective brand increases its brand equity by having a consistent set of traits that a specific consumer segment enjoys.” — Investopedia
If you’re a designer, we recommend that you have your client go through and select a palette, then design from there. If you’re an organization, we recommend that you pick a palette and then give it to the designer and let them know this is the palette you feel best represents your brand.
If you find yourself having a hard time picking between palettes, crowd-source the decision. Bring in colleagues, friends, family, or customers and have them help you. Or consult your designer and let them advise you.
Why Are We Sharing Our Guide With You?
“Necessity is the mother of invention.” — Plato
It’s true.
We created the Color Palette Guide because we couldn’t find anything suitable to help our clients to easily identify a color palette. While there are plenty of palettes available, none seemed to be focused on branding, but rather on weddings and interiors.
Which is great for wedding planners and interior designers, but not so much for companies in search of great brand colors options.
We are excited about using the guide and we hope you will be, too.
Download, save, explore our color guide.
We’d love to hear what you think. If you know others who may benefit from our color this guide please share away!
Kokopelli Color Palette Guide
Our award-winning design team has put together this fresh, downloadable Color Palette Guide with 60 proven combinations to fit your business, brand, and style.
Contact us today for a consultation.
Total project costs depend on the size and scope of the project.
We work tirelessly to create solutions that will add value for your organization and treat every client with the time and respect they deserve.